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Christmas 2021

It's been a long year with so many ups and downs, not just covid, but Delta and now Omicron!We're determined not to let it get the better of us and so as of now we are pushing ahead with our Christmas Day lunch, and you are all invited. We will, of course, make sure we have all the necessary protocols in place to keep everyone safe and happy. Spaces/ bookings will be limited, but the restaurant is large enough plus we have extended our veranda recently and we can still socially distance and have...

December 12, 2021

Valentines Day


January 25, 2021

Covid precautions

As covid continues to bite and now with our second wave in Malawi, at Casa Mia we continue to ensure highest standards of hygiene, maintaining social distancing on the premises and especially in the restaurant where all tables are at least 1.5m apart. Where possible we try to offer seating outside on our spacious veranda to avid closed spaces and we regularly disinfect the whole premises as well as enforcing hand washing and wearing of masks....

January 15, 2021

First Week

We just completed our first full week back in operation and the response from our guests, old and new, was really encouraging. Althought at this time the menu is quite limited in terms of choice, nearly all our guests understood the need for us to "start small" as it were and to gradually build back up the business and the menu!Althought the menu is limited the dishes are all new, even Peri Peri Chicken, which was always on our menu, has received a makeover and we've come up with a totally new P...

September 20, 2020

Our New Menu

Given that we are just reopening, we have decided that the menu should be very tight, ensuring that everything is available. We've chosen the finest local ingredients, which we use in our most popular dishes from the pre covid menu. Beef Carpaccio, Country Style Pate and Peri Peri Chicken to name but a few. As the business picks up and people begin to frequent restaurants again, we will offer more choice to cater to what we hope will be a growing business again!...

September 13, 2020

Casa Mia Re Opens

Let me first say, that Covid -19 has been devastating for the world both in terms of lives lost and  families torn apart by the loss of loved ones to the pandemic and our hearts and minds sympathize with these losses.  After effectivily six months of lock down, we are reoping our doors and attempting to get business back to normal. Like all business in this field, we have had to deal with a massive downturn in business, actually from what was a vibrant hotel to zero, and we really feel...

September 13, 2020 Posts 1-6 of 6 | Page

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